Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Its About Football

O.k. guys, whose your favorite football player? What about your favorite football team?

While watching all your favorite games this holiday season contemplate this-Your favorite football players all had a massage before the game. And, they will have a massage after the game. Plus, while rehabilitating from an injury they will be ordered to see a massage therapist.

However, understand they are NOT lying around in the locker room with cucumbers covering their eyes while they get a relaxing herbal body wrap. Instead licensed therapists are working to prepare each athletes body to function at its best during the game and helping in the cool down process after. Massage therapists also look for possible injuries after the game as well as potential soft tissue problems that could cause injuries in the future.

Therefore guys, take the hint. Even if you are not a professional football player you may be running,, playing tennis, racquetball or golfing on the weekend. You may be working in a warehouse, construction or otherwise doing heavy lifting or strenuous work. Or, you may be sitting at a computer all day in one position with your neck and back killing you. No matter what you are doing you don’t have to put up with muscular pain or stiffness. Get a deep tissue massage to work out the kinks so you will be able to feel and do your best.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I got dem ol' post holiday shoppin' blues

Shopping got you tired and cranky? Rest, relax and rejuvenate at BGMT with a wonderful massage to help you feel like you're a new person.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Ben Gustafson Massage Therapy
May you have a super New Year, also.

Thanks for choosing BGMT.

"Weight Loss and Bodywork"1

Massage-anything this good must be fattening, right? Wrong! Scientists now confirm what massage therapists have always known: massage can be a powerful and effective weight-loss tool. By improving your bodies resilience, adding muscle nutrition and flexibility, and supporting your mental and emotional well-being, massage can take your weight-loss plan to a whole new level.1
Ways massage can help your weight-loss program:
  • Injury prevention and better healing and restoration.
  • Improving blood and lymphatic fluid circulation.
  • Taking the parasympathetic nervous system to a state of deep restorative relaxation.
  • Shortening recovery time between workouts thus reducing soreness and stiffness.
I personally can attest to the above information. Besides working as a massage therapist I garden and run ten or more miles each week. If I don;t get a weekly massage I can't function.

So, if you are planning to try a wight -lose program it would benefit you to consider massage at least once a month. And, don't be shy! No matter how much weight you have gained or how you think you look, massage therapists are concerned about treating the person and are unconcerned about their clients weight or how the client thinks they look. Massage therapists and bodyworkers only concern is your well-being.

1. Charet, Genevieve P.; Body Sense. Spring/Summer 2010, p.24-25.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Keeping the Neuopathy Wolves at Bay

Neuopathy can rob you of your independence. It can cause pain which tends to keep you from walking. It can cause you to have a greater risk of falling and injury. Once again the main concept is, "Move it or loose it."

Since diabetes and neuropathy can go hand in hand, here are some points to consider.

Exercises that improve your strength and balance can counter [these risks]. Whats more, regular physical activity:
  • Reduces your risk for heart disease.
  • Helps you maintain your ability to do everyday tasks.
  • Reduces risks and helps you manage other diabetes complications, including kidney and eye problems.

Experts recommend that people with diabetes get 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week [some say 30 to 40 minutes seven days a week] . . . Moderate activities include:
  • Brisk walking.
  • Biking slower than 10 miles per hour.
  • Gardening
  • Ballroom dancing.
  • Water Aerobics.

[Things that help]:
  • Wearing the proper shoes for you activity and making sure they fit well. Shoes with soles made of gel or air can reduce the impact on your feet.
  • Changing your socks before and after you sweat. Consider polyester or polyester- cotton blend varieties to reduce blister risk.
  • Being consistent with activity level . . .1
And of course, don't forget massage. But first, talk to your physician and to a reputable massage therapist. They can tell you if massage would be of benefit in your present condition.

1. Deseret Mutual- optima/health. Diabetes Outlook. Fall 2010. P. 4

Saturday, October 30, 2010

What are you missing?

It always amazes me to hear the comments of those who have just received a professional massage for the fist time. Most never considered how much better thy would feel after a massage. And, how it would effect their whole attitude in a positive way.

It also amazes me when a first time massage recipient come in and says they haven't be able to sleep well. Then, a couple of minutes after the session begins they are sound asleep on the table.

If you have never tried massage therapy before, try it! Then you will discover what you are missing.
"Nuff Said"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chair Masssage for Charity

I will be doing free two minute chair massage sessions at the Waco-McLennan County Library book sale November 5th and 6th until around 6 p.m.. More time may be purchased for $1 a minute. Proceeds will go to the Friends of the Library group to help the Waco-McLennan County Library.

Friday Nov. 5 & Saturday Nov. 6
Heart of Texas Fairground
General Exhibits & Creative Arts Buildings.
I will be to the left of the check out counters.

So, don't shop until you drop. Shop, get a massage and shop some more. Its a worthy cause.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Workshop - 3


While most headaches are a function of soft tissue problems, allergies, lack of proper rest, etc. There are other more serious causes. According to Health-Cares.Net, "Headaches have a wide variety of causes, ranging from eyestrain to inflammation of the sinus cavities to life-threatening conditions such as encephalitis, brain cancer, and cerebral aneurysms. When the headache occurs in conjunction with a head injury the cause is usually quite evident . . ."2 So, If you are having an unusral headache in length or severity and/or other symptoms, be safe, check with your physician.

In conclusion, don't let a headache ruin your day. Do something about it.
"Nuff Said"

Workshop - 2

The following are bodywork options to take care of most headaches.

Swedish Massage. A tension headache, by its very name, implies the presence of stress and tension. Swedish massage, on the other hand, promotes relaxation and relieves muscle tension. When muscles become tight due to stress or poor posture, they eventually adapt a chronically shortened state. Swedish massage teaches the body how to let go of muscle tension and resets muscle tone.

Integrative Bodywork. Rolfing, Hellerwork, Structural Integration, and CORE are examples of the types of bodywork designed to improve posture and structural alignment. A primary cause of chronic headaches is poor posture, which produces tension in the neck and shoulders because the weight of the head is not properly balanced on top of the spine. Integrative bodywork can produce lasting postural change for greater ease of movement. By selectively freeing the soft tissues, integrative bodywork literally can change postural alignment and remove the stresses and strains on the muscles that cause headaches.

Deep Tissue Therapies. The integrative therapies mentioned above, as well as neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release, use similar techniques to free connective tissue. A chronically tensed muscle tends to maintain that tension, even after the stressful event has passed. Deep tissue techniques free the connective tissue glue, creating a new way for the muscle to function.

Reflexology. Like acupuncture, reflexology works to move energy blockages in the body. By stimulating points on the feet that correspond to organs in the body, reflexologists can promote relaxation, reduce pain, and restore energy flow. Several scientific studies have shown that reflexology is a viable treatment for migraines, in some cases working as well as, or better than, medication--and without the side effects.

Craniosacral Therapy. Craniosacral therapy addresses the inherent, gentle, rhythmic movement of the bones in the skull and their effect on the fluid that surrounds, bathes, and cushions the brain and spinal cord and runs throughout the body. Cranial bones move in miniscule amounts as a response to the production and absorption of cranial fluid. With head trauma, whiplash injury, or even severe stress, cranial bone movement can be compromised, resulting in headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears, or vision disturbances. This therapy restores the normal movement of the cranial bones and fluid.1

The main thing to note here is that massage therapy and bodywork can work to alleviate your headache. However, all headaches are not caused by soft tissue problems. Please go to the next post for more information on this subject.

1. Ulrich,Cathy. Holding Headaches at Bay,
Bodywork Eases Chronic Migraines and Tension Headaches.
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.
Workshop - 1

Headaches are not all created equal. They can vary from a dull aching sensation somewhere around the head to a monstrous noggin splitting pain that can cause nausea, vomiting and various other unpleasant symptoms. This post lists the three general types of headaches.

Migraines. Migraine headaches occur when the blood vessels in the brain become dilated, usually due to a chemical reaction, such as food allergies or a stress response. They often start with visual disturbances and quickly develop into severe head pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to light. They're usually felt on one side of the head, but can be on both sides. Migraines are often managed with medications and avoidance of foods known to trigger them, such as red wine, chocolate, aged cheese, and nuts. However, some bodywork techniques can also be effective in easing migraines or decreasing the frequency of these painful headaches.

Tension Headaches. Exaggerated by stress, tension headaches are related to poor posture, jaw problems (such as temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ), and neck pain. Many people describe a headache that starts at the base of the skull and then moves in an arc over the ears and behind the eyes. Tension headaches are most often caused or exacerbated by poor posture, work station positions, and body mechanics, creating undue stress on the upper neck muscles.

Mixed Headaches. The term mixed headache is used to describe a tension headache that leads to a migraine. Typically, the tension headache starts first and the chemicals produced from the pain of it create conditions for a migraine to develop. In people with patterns of mixed headaches, the best way to avoid the onset of a migraine is to treat the tension headache.1
Check the next post to find out about bodywork options to take care of headaches.

1. Ulrich,Cathy. Holding Headaches at Bay,
Bodywork Eases Chronic Migraines and Tension Headaches.
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Possible Causes - 8

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.


Viral, parasitic or fungal infections, psychological factors, including depression, and immune dysfunction are conditions that should also be ruled out. Other serious conditions, including cardiac disease and cancer, often present with chronic fatigue as a primary, and sometimes only, symptom.1

Let me point out that DeLanney1 suggests you look at the self care factors and try the suggestions contained there. They can sometimes lessen the problem.
Let me say that if you have concerns about the medical aspects of what is going on you should see you physician and speak with them about any concerns you have. Then, your physician can work with you to diagnose, eliminate or minimize any medical conditions you might have.
Finally, let me not forget one simple therapy that can help simple chronic fatigue. According to an article in The Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ". . . following ten days of massage therapy, chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers experienced fewer somatic symptoms, and less difficulty sleeping, as cortisol levels decreased and dopamine levels increased."2
So, get a massage today!
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (
2 Field, T., et al. Chronic fatigue syndrome: Massage therapy effects on depression and somatic symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 3;1999;108-112.
Possible Causes - 7

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.

Medial Assessment Issues

Insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia: The level of blood sugar (glucose) is controlled by insulin, as hormone produced by the pancreas. A number of disorders can effect the availability of glucose and its conversion to adenosine triphospate (ATP), the bodies primary energy source for its muscles. Type 2 diabetes is a common disease of the pancreas that effects insulin, and has substantial health consequences particularly if not addressed quickly.1

Overweight, going to the bathroom a lot, cuts and scrapes not healing well? Guys, are your very hair legs suddenly smooth and hairless? Itchy spots showing up on your arms or legs for no apparent reason? Better have your blood sugar checked.
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Possible Causes - 6

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.

Medial Assessment Issues

Thyroid disorder: Thyroid hormone insufficiency is a common culprit. In some cases, nourishing the thyroid gland with iodine and other supplements may be adequate. For others, prescribing synthetic or natural thyroid hormone may be necessary. A thyroid panel assesses several factors in thyroid function and provides insights as to where dysfunction is occurring.1

Something you can discuss with your doctor.
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Possible Causes - 5

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.

Self Care Issue

Sleep: The quantity and quality of sleep can be critical factors in issues of fatigue. Although many people may appear to function on far less each night than the recommended seven to eight hours, the long-term consequences of inadequate rest are formidable, including obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.1

What else can be said here. Get some sleep, and you;ll feel much better.
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Possible Causes - 4

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.

Self Care Issue

Exercise: Movement, a basic sign of life, influences, muscle, skeletal and joint health while increasing the amount of available oxygen. Like fanning a fire, increased oxygen fans the metabolic fire, which influences which increases cellular energy. A lifestyle that lacks movement usually results in a body that is stiff, weak and slow burning.1

What this is saying in simple terms is exercise is a necessary part of life. Yes, I know. Most people don't like to exercise, but most people don't like to feel bad either. So, a little exercise can go a long way helping you feel and act in a normal, healthy way. It helps the body cope with everyday life and stress. To put it plainly, move it or loose it!
Therefore, plan a simple and safe exercise program. If you have health issues you should get your physicians approval before beginning.

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (

Friday, October 08, 2010

Possible Causes - 3

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.1

Self Care Issue
Food allergies / sensitivities: Although often overlooked unless they produce obvious symptoms (rash, swelling of throat, etc.), these may burden the digestive, lymphatic, endocrine and other systems. Alcohol and artificial sweetness such as appertain have also been implicated. Be particularly suspicious of items that are associated with cravings or that are consumed regularly. What food would you not want to give up? That one is often the culprit.
Glycemic factors: Foods that are higher in carbohydrates may cause a spike in blood sugar and result in a blood sugar drop a couple of hours later. While simple carbs may offer immediate energy, adequate proteen, complex carbs and a small amount of healthy fat keep blood sugar level.
When food is consumed: Six small meals a day has been suggested for those with low energy. However, research involving leptin, a newly discovered hormone that signals the brain regarding hunger, has led some to suggest three meals each day (balanced portions of protein, carbohydrates and fat), spread five to six hours apart without snacking between, is a better choice for most. It is suggested that this results in a better interface of a number of energy-related, appetite, and sleep hormones, including adrenaline, insulin, leptin, melatonin and cortisol.1
I have personally found that for me five to six meals a day does not work well. Furthermore, snacks between meals don't work either. There is a tendency to either overeat at each of the small meals and snack too much where snacks are concerned. Therefore, what seems to be best for me is three squares with no snacks.
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of
Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Possible Causes - 2

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.

Self Care Issue
Nutrition: Vitamin deficiencies and mineral imbalances often contribute to, and sometimes are the primary cause of, fatigue and chronic pain. Low iron is commonly addressed, however, other vitamins, such as B12 and D, as well as insufficient minerals (magnesium in particular) may be the underlying culprit.1
This is a another simple one. Eat a variety of foods including fresh fruits and vegetables.
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (
Possible Causes - 1

Chronic fatigue may have many causal factors. This series of blog posts offer a few ideas you can check out for yourself or with your physician.

Self Care Issue
Dehydration: Sufficient intake of water is vital to health. the amount of exercise, body and environmental temperature, weather (humidity), and elevation influence the amount needed. However, the gauge is simple. With healthy kidneys, you should be urinating five to six times a day. If you don't you aren't drinking enough water.1
This is a simple one. Don't get your hydration from carbonated drinks. Drink Water!
"Nuff Said"

Please check other possible causes under the listing of Chronic Fatigue via this blog.

1 DeLany; LMT, Judith. "Tired of Being Tired." Massage Today, Oct. 2010, p. 12. (

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


"Fear is the mind killer," is a quote from the scifi movie DUNE. I would also say "Fear is the pain magnifier."

When faced with pain its natural for it to bother us. It reminds us something is wrong with our body. So, if you have muscle pain from working out or doing an unusual activity, don't fear it. If you do, it can actually make the pain worse because your muscles begin to tense up.

Therefore, take some time to rust and relax. Get into a comfortable position and listen to some soothing music. You'll find the pain will often not get worse. It may actually lessen.

And, by the way, get a massage. Its great for getting rid of that pesky muscle pain and tension.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


According to Kalyani Prenkumar1 massage can be beneficial to those with Type I and Type II diabetes.

"Although not formally documented, experience has shown that massage is beneficial to diabetes and may have an effect on daily insulin requirements."
1(pp. 123-124)

Furthermore, Prenkumar indicated the need for those with Type I let their therapist know where their injection sites are. And, make sure as well that your therapist has emergency contact information at hand as well as some hard candy just in case there is a low blood sugar problem during your massage.

Massage can also relieve stress and tension that could could be a factor in higher than desired blood sugar levels.

So, be prepared and have a happy massage.

1 Prenkumar (MBBS MD, MSc, RMT), Kalyani. Pathology A to Z, A Handbook for Massage Therapists, Third Edition. New Your: Walters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;Health, @2010.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Levator Scapula Can Turn Your Head

Origin: Transverse Processes of C1-4
Insertion - Superior third of vertebral border of the scapula (shoulder blade)

Elevation of the scapula and moves the head laterally.

A problem with the levator scapula can cause a headache or pain near the scapula.

1. You might try applications of cold or heat to back of neck just under the skull.
2. Get a massage.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Worries and Woes

These days it seems there is always something to be upset about - politics, crime, injustice, the tacky things people say to each other, etc. As a result we become tense, worried, angry and end up not feeling very well. This can sometimes cause muscular tension and pain.
So, before that backache or headache pops up just relax.
Its important to note most problems in life will just dissolve away if you wait a little before becoming upset. And if they don't, then you can worry about them.

Therefore, pick your battles carefully, and don;t waist too much effort on trivia and minutia. Your body will thank you.
And, if you have trouble doing this at first, you can always get a massage and relax.
"Nuff Said"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Arthritis and Massage

According to the Arthritis Foundation, massage can help with arthritis in two ways. First, it reduces muscle pain that is usually caused by spasms. Second, it increases your body’s ability to produce endorphins which reduces pain. Now, I do not know about you but this sounds pretty good to me.
Read entire article at:
Arthritis & Glucosamine Resource Center website

No amount or type of massage therapy will cure arthritis; however, it can help muscles and related fascia to feel better and bring you a better sense of well-being. So, get a massage today!
"Nuff Said"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Which is Best?

With so many differing types of massage therapy available and more showing up daily, one might ask, 'Which type is best?"
It is my experience that one type of massage does not fit all. Therefore it is important for a therapist to be prepared with alternative solutions to their clients problems. If trigger-point will not release the problem muscle for a certain client, then maybe MET, positional release or even myofascial release techniques will.
At BGMT Benny Ray Gustafson; LMT is able to use multiple techniques to help you get you feeling your best in the shortest time possible. And, he is Continually studying and striving to bring you a better massage.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

-Its a Pain in the Neck!-

We all have had at least one. Some of us have had many, but headaches are always a nuisance.
While some of these headaches may actually occur within the realm of the head, most are related to problems relating the neck and upper back. Pain in these areas can sometimes be refereed to the head fooling you into thinking your head really hurts.
Caution: Severe, long lasting headaches with symptoms of nausea, fatigue or dizziness may be the result of a serious medical condition. So, if your headache is unusual you need to check with a physician. However, if you have had such symptoms in the past and you physician con find nothing wrong, try getting a massage. This can relieve the headache and often clear up the problem causing it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

-Those Rascally Rhomboids-


Origin-Spinous process of the vertebra from C7 down to T5.
Insertion-(Minor) Vertebral border at root of the spine of the scapula or shoulder blade. (Major) Lower two thirds of vertebral border of the scapula or shoulder blade.

Action-Both Rhomboid major and minor both retract and rotate the scapula(shoulder blade) downwards.

If your posture is such that your shoulders are pulled forward much of the time you may be experiencing pain in those rascally rhomboids. With the shoulders pulled forwards the pectoral (chest) muscles become tight and tend to lock the shoulders into that position. In turn the rhomboids become stretched all the time ultimately making them tight , unhappy and painful. In other words, your back hurts.

1. If much of your day is spent doing something where your arms are stretched in front of you a lot-cutting hair, using a computer, etc.-take frequent mini breaks where you drop your arms to your sides, pull your shoulder back in line with your body and let them hang there in a loose, relaxed manner a few seconds. Then, get back to work.
2. If number one does not work see a massage therapist who is skilled in dealing with muscle imbalances or body alignment.
But, whatever you do getting a massage is always a plus and will help you feel and do your best.
"Nuff Said"

Monday, September 13, 2010

-Fighting P.A.D.-

"Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.) not only comes with double the risk of heart attack and stroke, but sometimes it comes with symptoms-pain or cramping in the legs. And that can tempt you to walk less . . . [Y]ou can help beat the pain with a structured walking plan. And walking can help lower the risk of heart attack and stroke and reduce stress."*

The Plan
  1. Schedule walks 3 to 5 times a week (no more than 2 days in between).
  2. Set real goals and stick to them. Start with 35 minutes. When you feel less pain, add 5 minutes until you're up to 50 minutes.
  3. Stop when you start feeling pain. But get going as soon as the pain goes away.
  4. Don't skimp on stretching-warm ups and cool downs.
  5. Believe you will feel better. It may be hard at first, but with time you should be able to walk more and hurt less.*

No matter what keep moving 'cause if you don't move it, you loose it. "Nutt Said"

* "The Inside Story." Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Pharmaceutical Partnership, Issue One 2010, p. 1.
-Less Pain, More Gain-

"The Challenging part of working with pain from muscle tension is to figure out the right technique, pressure and rhythm for each situation. Deep pressure into the tender belly of a muscle needs to be slow enough to give clients time to tune into the area so they can relax under the pressure."*
Mary Kathleen Rose

When you are getting a deep-tissue massage please remember "less pain equals more gain." If you are squirming around, gritting your teeth, or are extremely uncomfortable due to the massage being so painful., ask the therapist to back off just a little. You'll get better results. So, save the "no pain, no gain" scenario for the gym where it belongs. "Nuff Said"

*Rose, Mary Kathleen and Foster, Mary Ann. "talk about touch." Massage & Bodywork, September/October 2010, PP. 27-29.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

-Three Simple Concepts-

Lying in life's path are situations that cause us stress, anxiety, heart ache and dis pare. When we come upon these situations we normally go through a period of grieving at the loss that occurred. Even though we should go through this grieving process eventually we must get on with our lives. Here are three simple concepts to help you do this.
  • When a door close in your life another will soon open. We loose job opportunities, have financial reversals, loose friends and family and gain disabilities. When that happens another door opens somewhere for us to help us through life. It could be in the form of new business opportunities, relationships or assistance in learning how to live a full life with what you have. So, always be on the look out for these open doors.
  • In times when life's stormy cloud gather to cause you despair and you can't see your way through to a better life, remember you must some tines go through the darkness to get to the light on the other side. In other words, We tend to mistakenly think things can never get any better. They usually do if you take the time to let them.
  • Finally, speaking to those of you who have lost eyesight, hearing, or are not able to move and get around normally like you think you should, KEEP MOVING! DON'T STOP! There is always something you can do. Even if you think it isn't much, its a lot for you. Keep trying. In a Tim Allen movie where he plays an ex science fiction, Star Trek type hero his motto was, "Never give up. Never say die."
And, lest I forget. Get a massage. It will always help you fell better.
'Nuff Said"

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

School Days
I'm so grateful my kids have grown up and are not in public school or college anymore. I'm even more glad I'm not attending school myself. Now, don't get me wrong, education is a great thing; however, with long hours of study, concentration, tests, etc. stress and tension can build up. This is especially true in college. Wait for it . . .wait for it . . stress and tension caused by tests and study can be alleviated by massage. And, here are a few other benefits massage can hold for college students.
  • It can relieve mental and physical fatigue.
  • It can help you relax so you can get a good nights sleep before that final exam.
  • It can aid digestion and relieve constipation caused by college cafeteria food.
  • It can relieve headaches and eyestrain.
  • It can relieve muscle soreness caused by intramural college sports.
  • It can help prevent injuries during intramural college sports.
  • It can give you a feeling of well-being even if you're bummed out because your GPA is slipping.
And, if you are a public school or collage teacher or professor, you're gonna need a massage, too.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

"Running on - running on empty
Running on - running blind
Running on - running into the sun
But I`m running behind" *

With September its time for the beginning of 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, and cross country race season in Central Texas . Getting a deep-tissue massage can reduce your chance of injury during a race or hard workout. It can also help you recover three times faster than just resting.
Also, with massage muscle tension can be relaxed leaving you free from, "running on empty" and "running behind." Just leave the, "running blind" to me.
So, get a massage today.
""Nuff Said"

* Running on Empty; Jackson Brown-Released early 1978

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis

The term alternative therapy, in general, is used to describe any medical treatment or intervention that has not been scientifically documented or identified as safe or effective for a specific condition.
Click on the link to see what massage can do for people with MS.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Muscle Energy Testing is a safe and pain free way for relieving muscle tension and pain. This technique focuses on identifying specific muscle that need to be stretched. Then, by using a special way of stretching the muscle, pain and tension can be relived. MET may also give you an increased range of motion. I have found this technique is very good for alleviating low back pain.

MET can be used by itself or in conjunction with maSsge.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


After feeling ill for about five days I suddenly found that my low back was hurting. After palpating the area I knew the pain was muscle related; however, I could not figure out how I had injured it. Then it came to me! While not feeling well I sat slumped in front of the television much of the time.

Its amazing how much posture can play a part in aches and pains.So, its always important to monitor what you are doing. Be aware of how you are standing and sitting. It can be the difference between pain and no pain.