Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

. . . and Corn Flakes, too!

John Harvey Kellogg's accomplishments are impressive by any measure: Superintendent and surgeon at the Battle Creek Sanitarium2; inventor of [a] myriad [of] medical and surgical instruments; the man behind the discovery of the therapeutic value of electric light and sinusoidal current; founder of the health food industry at Battle Creek and last, but certainly not least, author of the ground breaking book The Art of Massage, written in 1885. [And hey, don't forget the inventor of Kellogg's Corn Flakes!]1
Notable massage quote:
Kellogg wrote the Art of Massage to, "eliminate the unnecessary and inefficient, and to develop and perfect those methods capable of securing most definite and prompt results."

Kellogg's quote has always been one of my goals as a massage therapist. In the field of massage therapy there is an almost endless supply of therapy styles and procedures. I am always looking for new ideas that can be used to help my clients find faster relief to muscular tension and pain as well as find a better piece of mind. That's why I always say, "At BGMT I'm always studying and striving to bring you a better massage.

1 Calvert, Jodi; John Harvey Kellogg: M.D. ; Massage Today, July 2011, page 14.
2 i.e. a convalescent center as well as health resort.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The whole world seems in turmoil. Disasters, calamities,strong rhetoric all combine to sap your strength and stress you out. And, when that happens your health suffers.

So, what can you do to relieve the stress?

One thing is to remember mankind has always had to face tough situations and it will be no different for us. So, don't take everything so seriously. Don't be a "Very Worried Walrus"-a reference to a character in the
Sweet Pickles children's book series. You see the Very Worried Walrus always concentrated on things going wrong. He did this so much he was miserable all the time.

Now, it is important that we take care of things we are in control of, but remember we can't control everything. Learn to laugh at those things you can't control. If you can learn to do this you will feel better and be less stressed. A secondary aspect of laughing at uncontrollable situations is that people will like you a whole lot better because nobody wants to be around someone who is gloomy and sullen all the time.

Also, get a massage now and then. It can change your whole attitude for the better.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Massage - How Often?

Every person is an individual who has their own specific needs. So, it is difficult to give you a 'one size fits all' answer to the above question.

A General Rule of Thumb:
  • In general getting a massage once a month or once every other month is fine if you usually have no problems but want to relax and de-stress occasionally.
  • If you are physically active-or not active at all- and have occasional aches, pains and stress, at least once a month should be sufficient.
  • If you have chronic soft tissue pain or chronic stress and your physician finds nothing wrong except muscular pain or stress, a little more frequency might be advisable. If the problem is localized in one area it can help to get shorter more frequent sessions. For localized acute problems the same can apply.
  • If palliative care is needed its usually up to the individual to decide on the frequency they need to fit their finances as well as the relief they need.
  • For armature athletes its advisable to get a full body massage at least once a month. Also, be aware that a massage can normalize your body three times faster than just sitting and resting after a really hard workout or an event.
""Nuff Said"
Is Massage Really Beneficial?
While getting a massage-regardless of how often- is incredibly beneficial to your mind and body, getting frequent massage treatments is even more powerful as a healthcare ally. "[Massage therapists] know that people who get massage regularly demonstrate greater improvement and notice a reduction in pain and muscular tension, as well as an improvement in posture, says Annie Williams, author of Spa Bodywork : A guide for Massage Therapists (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. 2006) and education program director at Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals."1
I am frequently amazed at how well massage can benefit persons with soft tissue problems. Early in my career I had a client come in after running their first marathon-26 miles. The person was late for their appointment which was unusual because they were always early.

Finally, about twenty minutes late, I notice the client limping down the sidewalk. One shoulder was hunched up near their ear and there was a definite scowl on their face. After a brief discussion on where the worst problems were the hour session began.

When the session was over I watched as the client left that day. It felt great to watch them walk away with shoulders straight, no limp and a smile on their face.

At BGMT safe, affordable massage therapy can be a benefit to your mind, body and spirit helping you to have a brighter day.

Therefore, make an appointment today and see what massage can do for you!

1. Osborne, Karrie. Massage Multiplied: Benefits of Massage Improve with Frequency, Body Sense Magazine, Autumn/winter 2009, page 11.