Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


The following is part of an article by John G. Louis; LMT. (Massage Therapy for Older Athletes: Massage Today, May 2007, page 6.) It is a positive example how massage therapy can help older folks who want to remain active.

I tell many of my clients who complain about their aches, pains, and injuries that the warranty runs out at age 30; after that, we pay for everything! . . . I met and trained former Harlem Globetrotter Meadowlark Lemon in the spring of 1982. At that time, he was 50 years old and playing nearly everyday on his traveling basketball team, called Meadowlark Lemon's Bucketeer's - and with kids half his age. He was struggling with regular muscle injuries and was fearful his career was over. He responded very well to my treatment, and I encouraged him to consider hire me to tour with him. I told him I was sure I could keep him healthy and extend his athletic lifespan as well as the quality of it. . . In the Fall of 1982 I was hired to travel as his personal massage therapist and athletic trainer . . . Meadowlark thrived with regular massage. I can say with confidence that had he not implemented a massage program when he did, his carrer would have been finished at that time, as he had feared. (John G. Louis; LMT)
Even though the above story is related to a professional athlete, I have seen fist hand what massage can do for an armature athlete.

So, if you live in the Waco, TX area, are over 30 and are an active participant in any type of sports, Call 254-723-1811 to day to find out what massage can do for you.
"Nuff Said"