Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Weight Loss and Bodywork"1

Massage-anything this good must be fattening, right? Wrong! Scientists now confirm what massage therapists have always known: massage can be a powerful and effective weight-loss tool. By improving your bodies resilience, adding muscle nutrition and flexibility, and supporting your mental and emotional well-being, massage can take your weight-loss plan to a whole new level.1
Ways massage can help your weight-loss program:
  • Injury prevention and better healing and restoration.
  • Improving blood and lymphatic fluid circulation.
  • Taking the parasympathetic nervous system to a state of deep restorative relaxation.
  • Shortening recovery time between workouts thus reducing soreness and stiffness.
I personally can attest to the above information. Besides working as a massage therapist I garden and run ten or more miles each week. If I don;t get a weekly massage I can't function.

So, if you are planning to try a wight -lose program it would benefit you to consider massage at least once a month. And, don't be shy! No matter how much weight you have gained or how you think you look, massage therapists are concerned about treating the person and are unconcerned about their clients weight or how the client thinks they look. Massage therapists and bodyworkers only concern is your well-being.

1. Charet, Genevieve P.; Body Sense. Spring/Summer 2010, p.24-25.

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