Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Heads Up!

Posture is an importune thing. While we may be able to get away with a little poor posture from time to time, poor posture over time can cause a lot of problems.

Having a “head forward and/or “shoulder forward” posture can cause pain between the shoulder blades and the spine as well as contribute to headaches. So, if the pain starts check your posture. Pull the shoulder blades closer together and hold your head up high while relaxing.

Also, this type of improper posture may cause or contribute to something called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. This happens when a certain area called the Thoracic Outlet is compressed by bones, muscle and other fascia surrounding it. This pressure pushes against a nerve bundle, an artery and a vein traveling through the Thoracic Outlet. Symptoms may be wide ranged, but there can be tingling in the hands, arms, shoulders or neck. There can be swelling of the arms and hands. Also, the hands may feel cold and be pale or bluish. If you have these symptoms check with your doctor first. Then, if he can find nothing wrong check your posture and see a good massage therapist familiar with TOS.

In conclusion, be kind to your body and your body will be kind to you.
“Nuff Said”

Monday, July 04, 2011

Massage Mind vs. Monkey Mind

Monkey Mind Defined
Are you one of the millions of Americans affected by monkey mind? Racing, random, internal chatter floods your brain when you're trying to sleep. Your mind jumps from thought to thought like a monkey swinging from branch to branch. In our fast-paced, multitasking society, our brains are trained to be alert at all times. But this level of intensity can take a toll on your health if you can't turn it off.1
Massage Mind Define

"When the brain is in this meditative state, it is able to sort through the clutter and focus on any areas that need it, allowing healing to occur at the cellular level," says Pat Crozier, a massage educator and therapist in Chandler, Arizona.


Going from ‘monkey mind’ to ‘massage mind’ can be the difference between night and day. Massage will not only help the physical body to heal, it can also assist in getting rid of mental fatigue as well as provide a possible emotional release. Thus, there is a healing of the mind, body and spirit.

In conclusion, to put it more simply, you feel better and can think more clearly.

"Nuff Said"