'POP!' Goes the Trigger Finger
Do you have a finger that stops in one spot and will not move unless you put a little more exertion into it, or do you have to move it with your other hand? When your finger gets stuck and you get it moving again is there a little 'pop'? Is there pain involved with this process? If you answer 'yes' to these questions you most likely have what is called trigger finger.
According to Ben Benjamin;PhD it is caused by inflammation of a flexor tendon or its sheath-a lubricated guide that keeps the tendon on its proper tack-that catches and holds the finger until it can 'pop' on through to the other side.1 It can be caused by over exertion, or the problem can be caused by repetitive motion.
What to do?
- See a licensed massage therapist who knows how to massage out the problem.
- Splint the finger to immobilize it and let it rest and take an over the counter analgesic to reduce the swelling.
- See a doctor who may inject the area effected with special medication to reduce the swelling.
- If nothing else works and the problem is severe and painful the doctor may prescribe surgery.
1 Benjamin, Ben E., Trigger Finger, Massage Today,
fa; 2007 www.massagetoday.com