Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Watch Your Health
Its important that we be as healthy as we can. And, to keep healthy there are always a few simple things we can do ourselves with a little effort.

One thing we can do is watch our posture. Many times we experience pain, stiffness and discomfort because of the way we sit, stand or lye down. Here are a few tips.

  • When sitting or standing make sure your shoulders are squared off and and not coming forward.
  • When sitting or standing make sure your head is held high and not leaning forward.
  • Don't let the hips lean forward or backwards. Keep the torso straight with a slight forward curve in the lower back.
  • When lying down either sleep on your back or on your side. Never sleep on your stomach.
If you are having pain in your upper or lower back or your shoulders. Or, if you are having headaches, review the above information, improve your posture and some of these problems may go away on their own
"Nuff Said"

Monday, June 29, 2009


I'm going behind bars for "GOOD"
Please, help bail me out!

Your donation is my key to freedom! Be proud of the fact that together we're providing help and hope to kids and adults served by MDA in our community.
So, help pay my bail,
and get me outta here!

Make my bail/donations by going to:
Then, click on the finger pointing to "Click here/ Help me make my goal.'
Both the MDA association and I will appreciate any donation.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Massage therapy can do wonders for almost anybody. It can assist the body in healing soft tissue injuries, reduce muscular pain and tension, and it can calm the nerves causing the entire body to relax. However, there are many medical problems massage as well as medicine cannot cure.

One of these medical problems is Juvenile Arthritis. Eventhough massage therapy cannot cure or even slow the progress of this disease, massage therapy may be used as a function of palliative type care to help the patient’s quality of life. This can be accomplished by relaxing and releasing stiff, taut muscles that inhibit joint movement even further than what the disease does. In other words, arthritis causes joint pain. The joint pain causes muscles around the joint to tighten and become painful. Then, the painful muscles cause other muscles in the vaccinate to tighten and become painful. Before you know it this muscle tension and pain can begin to effect the entire body.

So, while massage cannot do anything about joint pain and stiffness caused by the JA, it can effect the muscles in the area so they have less pain and function less to further inhibit remaining joint movement beyond the limitations already imposed by the arthritis.

Therefore, if you have Juvenile Arthritis try massage therapy as a type of palliative care to help reduce some of your suffering and improve your quality of life.

"Nuff Said"
Ben Gustafson; LMT

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The other day someone called and asked me if I did massage fore COPD. Not knowing exactly what that was other than something to do with breathing difficulty I said, “No.” So I looked it up and this is what I found out about COPD and massage therapy.

Massage has come to be regarded as a complement to conventional medicine. Many of its positive effects seem to be mediated by increasing relaxation and decreasing stress hormones such as cortisol. For chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a massage can strengthen respiratory muscles, reduced heart rate, increase oxygen saturation in blood, decrease shortness of breath, and improve pulmonary functions.
(BallaOnline, The Voice of women; Victoria Abreo, Alternative medicine Editor; )
So, according to this information if you have COPD a relaxing massage would be a plus for you. Get a massage today!
“Nuff Said”
Ben Gustafson; LMT