Healthy Massage contains information on how massage therapy can have a positive effect on your health and well-bing. This blog will also discuss how massage therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and moblize stiff joints.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


It is interesting to note there are massage therapists, and clients of massage therapists, who adhere to the old adage, "No pain, no gain." Or, in other words, if the client is not writhing in exquisite pain with tears flowing from their eyes the therapy does no good. Actually though, this is not true.
While a little pain may be encountered during therapy, especially if the client suffers from some soft-tissue damage, the pain should never get to the point where the client is tensing up. This is because causing the client to tense up their muscle is contrary to what the goal of therapy should be. The client should be relaxed as much as possible so the therapist using deep-tissue techniques can slowly sink down through the various levels of muscle tissue to get to lower levels where there are problems.

One way of controlling the level of pain during a deep-tissue session is for the client to think of pain on the scale of 1-10 with ‘one’ representing no pain and ‘ten’ representing the most excruciating pain they can imagine. Up to a pain level of 5 or 6 is all right. But, the client should alert the therapist if the pain goes beyond that level so they can back off a little. Or, if the client feels their muscles tensing up because of pain, they should inform the therapist.

Excess pressure can cause bruising that damages the muscle tissue further causing more pain rather than helping it to relax and be pain free. So, be sure to communicate with your therapist if you experience more pain than you feel you should during a session. You will be glad you did because the therapy session will work better to relieve pain and relax muscles.

In conclusion, I once gave a chair massage to a person visiting from another state. Three years later I saw them again for a session. They told me they were so impressed with the deep-tissue techniques I used they went to get a full body deep-tissue session when they got back home. They said they were so disappointed because the therapist there caused so much pain and discomfort that they left feeling more abused than comforted. And, they were in pain for a few days afterwards! Therefore, communicate with your therapist so you can have a wonderfully relaxing and healing deep-tissue massage.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

In relation to soft tissue injuries pain tells us there is something we must do, a problem to which we need to pay attention. If a little pain comes and goes after a short time there is usually nothing to worry about. However, if a severe pain comes and stays you might think about going to the doctor.
Ben Benjamin, Ph.D. gave a list of times when you should definitely see your doctor in his book, LISTEN TO YOUR PAIN. You should see a doctor:

1. If your pain is severe;
2. if there is swelling;
3. if you hear any cracking or snapping sounds at the time of injury;
4. if you cannot perform normal activities;
5. if there is nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, paralysis, weakness or disturbed excretory functioning after and accident or injury;
6 . if your pain containers beyond seven to ten days. (1)

Sometimes the doctor may find something like a broken bone, or he may prescribe muscle relaxants, pain relievers or just tell you to go home, elevate the problem and take copious amounts of Tylenol telling you its just a sprain or a strain. If the doctor has checked you out and released you but a soft tissue injury still causes pain, you might think about seeing a reputable massage therapist.

Injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments and related fascia may continue to cause pain due to:

1. Scar tissue which has healed improperly,
2. an adhesion where two muscles stick together causing pain when they move,
3. a muscle becoming dry and taut like a banjo string, or
4. a muscle or group of muscles may be experiencing a “pain-spasm-pain” syndrome.

Massage therapy can:

1. Help scar tissue heal properly so that it is more pliable and flexible,
2. break down adhesions freeing muscles to more properly and painlessly.
3. rehydrate dry, taut muscles so they relax and soften,
4. break the pain-spasm-pain syndrome leaving muscles calm, relaxed and pain free.

It is important to realize, you do not have to suffer continuously from pain. Plain is there to let you know there is a problem needing to be fixed. If you live in the Waco, Texas area and are experiencing chronic pain. Call BEN GUSTAFSON MASSAGE THERAPY to make an appointment for a free consultation. At BGMT the rates are affordable and the customer is always important.
Ben Gustafson; RMT

(1) Ben Benjamin,j Ph.D.;l LISTEN TO YOU PAIN. Penquin Books Ltd, Newyour, NY:1984

Thursday, October 19, 2006

They’re a real pain in the neck

Headaches are a plague to mankind and have been around from the time humans began to roam the planet. And, the human race has fought against them the entire time.
Headaches can come in many forms and intensities. There are the “headache ghosts” that hover through out the head and neck area with a vague pain you just can’t locate. There are the “sick headaches” with hideous pain behind the eyes or on the sides of the head that make you nauseous and dizzy. And, of course there are the migraines that are so severe they must be treated by a medical doctor. But, most are not that severe; they are just aggravating and can be treated by a simple over the counter pain reliever. Lastly, some headaches are chronic and return again and again and again with a disgusting regularity. These chronic headaches are the ones that will be discussed. They have a simple source. They are caused by overstrained, over stretched and over worked muscles in the neck, upper back and shoulders.
To combat headaches that come back on a regular basis massage therapy can be the answer. Injured muscles and tendons can be helped by increasing the blood flow to them, moving out waste materials and replacing them with fresh blood containing nutrients and oxygen. Massage also softens and stretches tense, taut muscles and can break up adhesions and scar tissue promoting healthy healing. Once the muscles and tendons heal properly the headaches will decrease or even go away. And, a good massage therapist can also give you ideas on how to aid the healing by simple postural corrections.
So, don’t let chronic headache pain ruin your life. Get relief from a trained, reputable massage therapist. You’ll be glad you did.
Ben Gustafson; RMT